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In a past not too distant, uttering phrases like ‘The Deep State’ or ‘The Ruling Classes’ would immediately brand you a heretic of common thought, likely even a conspiracist. But in this current epoch, figures like Tucker Carlson boldly parade such topics before the masses on nightly broadcasts. What was once the domain of fringe broadcasters, the likes of Alex Jones in the distant corners of the radio, has now entrenched its roots deep within the heart of public discourse. Perhaps a necessary awakening, unless it is already too late.

AI Generated image for a parody site of the global Elites called Economic Forum of the World (EFW).

Mass Media and a New Information Age

The elite, the minuscule fraction at the zenith, now find themselves battling the burgeoning tide of this new Information Era. It’s a perilous game to challenge such a transformative age. Through the annals of human history, nothing has reshaped our essence more profoundly than a renaissance of information.

And then there’s Musk, perhaps destined to bear the brunt of the world’s animosity, meant for those shadowy magnates, the puppeteers of global affairs. While he dreams of Martian dominions, the true rulers, those with aspirations of godhood on Earth, are relentless in their pursuits. Their lives are a never-ending quest to uphold a grand deception, the absolute fiction they require the world to believe. Their dedication to this facade is unsettling, almost inhuman. We, the common populace, struggle to keep track of their myriad shadow institutions, but gradually, they have ensnared our collective conscience.

AI Generated image of Three Men on a Rollercoaster

The Big Lie might just as well be the Truth

The dark, dystopian futures once dreamt up by filmmakers, stories meant to serve as warnings, now appear all too possible. We stand at a precipice, an epoch marked by unprecedented uncertainty. And the puppeteers? Their response to the unfolding chaos seems to be adopting the role of malevolent storybook antagonists. Their conduct during the plague only reinforced their true nature. Whatever enlightenment they might have garnered from the data remains shrouded, as their path seems undeterred.

The masses move with a somber uniformity, embodying the lie, living it, breathing it. Truth becomes inconsequential in this dance. Every contradiction, every glaring inconsistency is brushed aside. The grand deception strengthens, solidifying its hold. It may soon be indistinguishable from reality. There will be murmurs, whispers of dissent, those who see through the façade. Yet, the world will mostly turn a deaf ear. To accept that one has been blind for a lifetime is a bitter pill, and those shouting about the Emperor’s true state are likely to be met with scorn or indifference.

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  5. EFW in the Media: Check out what the fake news outlets have to say about our little gathering. Spoiler alert: they’re all just jealous of our fabulousness.